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Déjeuner-conférence avec M. Dieter GERICKE, LL.M., membre du Conseil de direction de Syngenta Partner, avocat chez Homburger SA: «Syngenta, the Swiss agribusiness group has been acquired by ChemChina in the biggest foreign takeover by a Chinese company with a transaction value of US$ 43 billion. It was announced that the deal will help Beijing modernise China’s farm sector while simultaneously Syngenta would remain firmly a “western company”. China relies heavily on food imports and Chinese agricultural yields are 30 or 40 per cent lower than in western countries. Before the takeover Asia-Pacific accounts for only about 15 per cent of Syngenta’s regional sales and commentators expect that the company will in the future focus on expansion in China. Syngenta’s new owners are expected to be under pressure to operate it as a distinctly Swiss company, respecting promises on corporate governance and managerial independence. These include special arrangements to ensure Syngenta’s headquarters remain in Basel, Switzerland, and to protect its research and development budget. Syngenta is confident that it will remain “a western company” and that ChemChina is “very attached to Switzerland” and had acquired the company for its knowledge and know-how. The takeover is also expected not to result in job losses.»

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